NM Landscaping
There are many benefits to having landscaping services. Many people are not interested in taking care of their own yard and those who are would rather have a professional take care of everything for them. Do you find yourself searching online often for ‘landscapers near me?’ Our team at NM Landscaping will show you the benefits of having professionals handle the landscape design you need.
When it comes to our experts, you will find a wide variety of services we offer, depending on the type of property you have. For example, if you have large acres, you may want to have us come in and give your yard a complete makeover, such as sod installation, planting trees and shrubs, mowing the lawn, and more.
If you have smaller properties, our professional landscape designer can do just as good and even better for you. You can have us come in and trim the grass, give your landscape an edgier look, or provide you with small front yard landscaping ideas and some color! All of these things can make your yard stand out from the rest, especially if you chose a landscaping and yard services company that specializes in this area. Our specialists will also give you advice on the best mulching materials, weed barriers, and other tools you need to have at your disposal for small one day projects at home.
Most people don’t realize just how much work goes into a beautiful landscape. Our professionals can come in to help you get it done right.
How often do you need a landscape contractor to come to your home? Our team starts by coming over to your property and taking a look at everything. We will tell you where trees should be planted, how they should line the ground, and what plants should match the look and feel of the surrounding terrain. Once we have finished doing the walk through, you can then decide whether you want to change the way that your property looks like.
We will show you on how to take note of all of the trees and shrubs, their color, their size, and what kind of soil they grow in. We want to help our customers learn by having them ask a lot of questions, and take the time to listen to all of the answers before you agree on us starting any project.
We have been in the industry for many years and are constantly learning new innovative ways to beautify everyone’s backyard home project we take on. We take the time to make sure the job is thorough and the end result puts a smile on our customers face each and every time!
Our specialists can help you decide on the right schedule of when we should come in and take care of your backyard so it is always healthy and free from any insects that eat away on flowers, gardens, and lawns.
We always advise our customers to let the professionals handle any size project they may have to ensure there are no unnecessary costly mistakes. We take the time to listen to your design thoughts and help by us giving you the best possible solutions for you to have the best looking landscape of the neighborhood for years to come!

Our trained and knowledgeable staff at NM Landscaping Services are able to take on any size project such as:
- full lawn maintenance
- landscape maintenance
- mulch, sodding, and planting
- irrigation
- landscape lighting
- water features like ponds
- drainage solutions
- any snow removal
- seasonal and event lighting
- decks
- pergolas
- retaining walls
- outdoor kitchens, fireplaces, and firepits
We do all the hard work so you don’t have to! We help you get back valuable time with your family and friends to spend with.
We take pride in providing you with excellent customer service and competitive pricing. Our professionals will tailor plans to match all your landscaping needs and projects. We have been serving Norman and surrounding areas in Oklahoma for years and we love helping you realize your dreams come true when it comes to any ideas and vision you may have for your home or business.
Call us and book an appointment and tell us your needs and let us give you our landscape design and maintenance recommendations.

There are many factors to take into consideration when thinking about landscaping maintenance. For example, it can include everything from the initial planting of your plants to regular upkeep as well as areas where they will be located.
Landscaping maintenance that is done properly can make plants look great and last for a long period of time. Also, it can help prevent weeds from taking over the entire lawn or garden by keeping the whole area healthy and well-kept.
When thinking about maintenance, you have to look at the care of the plants and the care of the soil as well. If you water the plants too much and not keep them in great shape, it may cause issues to your landscape. Watering a lawn or garden without proper drainage could lead to a lack of oxygen in the soil, which could kill the grass and anything that is planted.
Planting a lawn or garden is a lot of work. It takes a lot of time and a lot of patience to properly care for the plants. Our team is fully trained to handle any size maintenance project you may have. Our professionals will come out and give your whole landscape a facelift. Our professional landscapers will be able to assess the lawn and whole area and give you the best plan possible to make sure that everything is properly taken care of on a weekly basis.

Whether you are planning to start a home garden or you already have one, it is very important to know the different types of mulching, sodding, and planting materials and how they help in protecting your lawn. Here are some examples of the many options available for landscaping your yard.
Planting a hedge can be a good way to protect your plants from damage. You can plant small trees and shrubs around your flowerbeds and the area around your pool, adding protection to them from the elements. However, most people want their hedges to look as natural as possible. Some landscapers and landscape designers use a mix of shrubs and trees in order to give the hedge a natural look.
Mulching is also important. By using various types of mulching you can create an environment in which plants can thrive and grow without taking up any space. You can use various mulches such as bark chips, wood chips, and even rocks and pebbles.
Sod installation can be very effective at protecting your plants. If you are trying to create a yard that is free from weeds, then you should consider the use of mulch. Using a sodding device is a great way of preventing weeds from growing in your garden. It can also prevent your plants from becoming damaged by these weeds.
To prevent soil erosion, you should consider planting trees and shrubs on top of your soil. By doing this you are creating a protective layer to the soil. When you water your grass and other plants in your garden, the water runs over the top of the topsoil and protects it from getting washed away. This keeps you from having to dig up your garden every year. However, you must make sure you get rid of your lawn periodically if you want to maintain its appearance.
The most important aspects of keeping your lawn and garden looking attractive and healthy are by keeping the soil well-mulched and well-sodded. This will help you create a healthy environment for your plants and you will be able to enjoy a healthy, beautiful garden all year round. The sooner you do this, the better off you will be.

There are many reasons why you need irrigation and sprinkler systems for your yard. The main reason for this is the fact that the plants you want to grow, your yard, are a reflection of the climate in your area. The climate and weather you have in your area can determine the type of environment they will need. There are a few other things to consider as well.
If you are growing flowers and trees, you want them to be able to thrive and grow in the soil. These types of plants will grow better in an environment where they will get plenty of sunlight. When you have them in a garden, they will be protected from too much heat and the cold. These plants will need to have regular watering in order to survive. They are also dependent on the number of nutrients in the soil. When the nutrients are not in your soil, the plants will not thrive.
Once you have established the plants in your lawn, they will need to be fertilized in order for them to grow properly. If you are having problems with these plants, it may be due to the type of fertilizer they are using. One of the biggest problems is nitrogen. You should use a product that will make sure that they get enough nitrogen in their food. It is also important to have a pH level that is right for the plants. If they are not fertilizing properly, they will not grow properly, and they will become unattractive to look at.
For the best results, it will be beneficial to have sprinkler systems that come with timers on them. This way, you can control the time that the water is poured into the soil. The water can also be turned off or turned on as needed. If you do not want to wait for the water to spray onto the ground, there are also systems that can automatically start the sprinklers.
Do you want the best backyard landscape design, call our experts to help you achieve a beautiful design that will last for years to come.

Planning your landscape design can be challenging, but once you have a plan in place it will provide you with an easy path to follow and that will make the job easier. This article contains some tips for planning your landscape design, and then I will tell you what to include in your plan.
A landscape plan is not just an outline of what you want to see in your yard. The landscape plan should be an inventory of the landscape elements that are currently in place.
Another part of the plan that our team will outline for you is the type of plants and trees you will need for your desired plan. If there are multiple planting beds in your yard then you will need to know the size of each bed as well. If you have a small lawn, you will not need large trees. If your lawn is very large you will need a lot of large trees.
We will also help you decide about the types of shrubs or bushes you will need. Are they going to be in the shade, or in direct sun? Some plants may only require one type of maintenance, while others may need more.
We will give you our recommendations on where you can put in a water feature. You can think about what you want to do with that water feature once it has been installed. Is it going to be an accent or a focal point? Will it sit in a corner? Or will it sit near the house so that your guests can see it?
Planning your landscape plan does not have to be a daunting task, it just needs to be clear cut. With a little extra help from our landscapers, you can have a beautiful-looking yard and a beautiful landscape in no time.

As you are working to plan the landscape design for your home, there are certain factors that you need to consider such as the different types of residential landscape lighting. Landscape design can become very confusing, especially if you don’t take the time to get a handle on the various types of landscape lighting available, as well as their functions, before you actually decide what you want in your yard.
Our team can provide you with different types of illumination for different purposes, depending on the type of landscape you have selected. For instance, you will find fixtures that focus light on an individual tree or plant, providing a very beautiful effect. There are also lights that focus light on areas like flowerbeds, allowing you to see in the distance.
It is important to consider where the light should be placed. For instance, it is important that you choose lights that illuminate your driveway at night, or that point directly at your door. This makes the garden area and walkways more visible, as well as the entryway of your home.
Landscape lighting does require special attention when it comes to placement. If you have a lot of trees in your yard, there are lights that can provide the perfect amount of illumination, while still being out of the way of the traffic. If you have flowering plants, you will need lights that focus light on them, so they do not become a distraction.
With a little bit of effort and thought, we can make it a fun and enjoyable part of your landscaping project. With all the different types available, there is sure to be a light fixture that will enhance and beautify your home.
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